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Your email MUST include 2 declarations before your ad will be posted. That you …
1. “give the FSMSPA full permission to post your Want Ad information on the FSMSPA web site”,
2. “are 18 years or older”.
By submitting your request as described above, you accept that the Fort Sask Mixed Slo-Pitch Association, it’s executives and members, assume no responsibility or liability for any information posted to this site on your behalf. This service is solely intended to bring individuals wanting to join a slo-pitch team in our Association in contact with teams needing players. Any other use of this information is strictly prohibited. All parties posting personal and/or contact information on this site do so at their own risk.
1. I'm new to the area and am looking for a team to join this season. I've played baseball my whole life and slo-pitch for the past 7 years. I play all infield positions and am seeking a semi-competitive team so let me know if you need a guy (Jared: 780-678-5467).
2. Mark MacPhee – would like to be placed on a team. 587 337 7811. Open to playing a position the best suits me.
3. My husband and I are looking for a new team this year, preferably Tues/Thurs div 3. I play catch (have not had the opportunity to play other positions) with an ok bat. He's utility (excluding center field), mostly pitches with a good bat. He would part time since he works out of town and I would be full time.
Amy 587-357-3575